
Yoga Centurion - January 2025 Newsletter

Our message for this month is from Brent Lindeque, the Good Things Guy
Here’s a little reminder for all of us:


  1. Try out our new Stretch and Yin class with Sandra on Tuesdays 10am, starting 4 February.

  2. If you are free on Wednesday mornings, join us on Wednesday 12 February 10am for Osho's Nada Brahma Meditation. R100pp

Our message for this month is from Brent Lindeque, the Good Things Guy

Here’s a little reminder for all of us:

1. Your to-do list doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Tackle it one step at a time. Momentum builds when you focus on one task, not the whole mountain.

2. Rest isn’t a luxury; it’s survival. Your worth isn’t measured by how many lunch hours you sacrifice. Breathe. Pause. Allow yourself to be human.

3. Not every email needs a reply. Not every conversation deserves your energy. Protect your boundaries, unapologetically.

4. Failure isn’t fatal. It’s proof you’re trying. Dust yourself off and carry the lesson, not the weight of the stumble.

5. Celebrate the small wins. They matter. Making your bed, showing up to the gym, choosing water over wine - they’re all victories. Own them.

6. Work matters - because bills, right? But it’s not everything. Your health, your relationships, your happiness - those are your real assets. Don’t just work to live. Live and thrive while working.

7. You’re allowed to rewrite the script. Your story isn’t set in stone. If something isn’t working, change it. Be bold enough to believe in better.

8. Your timeline is yours. Stop comparing your progress to someone else’s highlight reel. There’s no expiry date on growth.

9. Kindness costs you nothing but it can change everything. Whether to a stranger or yourself, extend it often.

10. Gratitude is a game-changer. Even on the hardest days, there’s always something to be thankful for. Find it, name it, hold onto it.

And here’s the profound bit I want you to carry today:

You don’t need permission to slow down, to find joy, to feel everything deeply. Just don’t waste it waiting for the perfect time. This moment, right now, is the only one promised.


Wishing many blessings to all and enjoy what's left of January.



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About Yoga Centurion

Yoga Centurion was opened in 2001 as part of the Yoga Connection Group.

Our aim at Yoga Connection Centurion is to welcome everyone into our 'yoga family' and give all an opportunity to get away from the stress and strain of daily life.

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