
Yoga Centurion - November 2024 Newsletter

Never put your attention on what you don't want to grow. Do not react to negative information coming in, because if you do that, you give it energy and grow it. - R J Spina


  1. There is still space for our Meditation class this Saturday. Please WhatsApp Charene 0825724880 for info and bookings.

  2. You can still join in for the Qigong on Tuesday mornings in November. WhatsApp 0825724880

Two short and similar messages this month from talks by two teachers I've listened to

Never put your attention on what you don't want to grow. Do not react to negative information coming in, because if you do that, you give it energy and grow it. - R J Spina

Nothing can affect you if you don't match the frequency. - Bashar


Have a wonderful November and let's watch our thoughts this month, so that we only attract what we want and don't intensify what distresses us.



Yoga is for Sharing...

About Yoga Centurion

Yoga Centurion was opened in 2001 as part of the Yoga Connection Group.

Our aim at Yoga Connection Centurion is to welcome everyone into our 'yoga family' and give all an opportunity to get away from the stress and strain of daily life.

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  082 572 4880 (Teaching - Please Whatsapp)

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