
Yoga Centurion - December 2024 Newsletter

I can't believe another year has come to an end. Thank you so much for your support over the past year and may you have a wonderful and safe festive season.


  1. There will be one class on Monday 16 December at 9am with Ann

  2. Our last class for 2024 will be Thursday 19 December and we'll re-open on Monday 6 January 2025

Our message for this month is from Davidji

"Ever heard of S.O.D.A.? It's my favorite go-to when I feel resistance to what is in front of me at any given moment.

Each of us has an emotional tell that tips us off that we are about to get emotionally constricted – either getting ready to bark at someone – or shut down and withdraw. A tell is an unconscious sign that you are feeling a certain way.

When you find yourself emotionally constricting in any way and notice your emotional tell, think SODA:


STOP whatever you are doing or thinking; just STOP.

OBSERVE yourself – where you are, who you are with, what is going on from a witnessing perspective; feel yourself rise up to the top of the room observing yourself objectively with no opinion. Keep rising up until you can objectively see yourself and the other person or irritant – and simply view them as two children of God. (Sometimes I’ve had to rise to the top of the building or even the moon before I was able to observe objectively.)

DETACH – for just a moment - from the drama, charge, and emotion of the moment and take a long slow deep breath in. At the same time, ever so subtly, step or lean back a few inches; then take a long slow exhale which will bring some release from the turbulence. In this process you’ve created some energetic distance (through breathing) and physical distance (through leaning back) between you and the irritant.

AWAKEN to a better version of yourself. The part of you that makes you feel proud of how you respond to life. Awaken a hidden aspect of yourself – perhaps the part of you that trusts, or is brave, or is grounded, or forgiving. Stay in this space for a few seconds and simply breathe – observing your higher traits such as strength, confidence, compassion and let them be introduced into the moment.

Have you ever tried to use S.O.D.A. as an in-the-moment stress hack? Try it today!"


Have a glorious December and see you in the new year.



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About Yoga Centurion

Yoga Centurion was opened in 2001 as part of the Yoga Connection Group.

Our aim at Yoga Connection Centurion is to welcome everyone into our 'yoga family' and give all an opportunity to get away from the stress and strain of daily life.

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  082 572 4880 (Teaching - Please Whatsapp)

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